Anything But Chocolate – 12 Different Types of Ice Creams in the World

By Monalisha Mallick

  ●   Last Updated : 05 Feb 2025


Food Hospitality

 What’s one thing that can make your mood better? If you said ice cream, you are not alone. History has it that even Alexander the Great, of Ancient Greece, liked to eat snow which was flavored with honey and nectar. The recipe has changed a little but the pleasure from ice cream remains the same. Plain vanilla or nuts overload or a fruit flavored, people around the world love ice cream.

Where it all started?

Many think that ice-cream has its origin in America but actually the frozen desert was first created in the Middle East and then made its way to Europe. Today every country has put their own twist to this loved dessert.

For the love of icecream, here’s how this divine dessert looks like across the world.

12 Different Types of Ice Creams in the World

Mochi Ice Cream, Japan

Ice cream with sweet rice cake is the perfect bite-sized treat. Green tea and red bean are some unique flavors that are must try on your trip to Japan.

Mochi Ice Cream, Japan

Gelato, Italy

This is the denser and milkier option and obviously fat free as cream is not used to prepare this. Try this smoother and creamier variation of ice-cream in its origin, in Italy.

Gelato, Italy

Dondurma, Turkey

Chewy and stretchable, Dondurma is made with local flour salep and mastic and then beaten with long metal rods and kneaded before it becomes a dessert.

Dondurma, Turkey

Kulfi, India

Milk, cream, cardamom, pistachios, and honey come together to make this yummylicious sweet dessert Kulfi. Served on popsicles and sprinkled with dry fruits, this is a must try in India.

Kulfi, India

Jipangyi, South Korea

The J-shaped cone ice-cream is made from crushed corn and is crunchy and portable. The quirky shape is to avoid less mess and drip less.

Jipangyi, South Korea

Spaghettieis, Germany

Vanilla icecream goes through a pasta maker to make it look like noodles and then it is topped with strawberry or chocolate sauce and then sprinkled with white chocolate to give the parmesan effect.

Spaghettieis, Germany

Paletas, Mexico

Sweet, creamy, sour and chewy, Paletas are made with coconut milk or fruit puree. One bite would awaken your senses as you taste cream and fresh fruit all in one.

Paletas, Mexico

I Tim Pad, Thailand

Icecream with your choice of flavor ingredients is dropped on a chilled plate. The ice cream is then scraped and rolled into picture-perfect rolls. Topped with fruits and syrups, these rolls are perfect for every mood.

I Tim Pad, Thailand

Akutaq, Alaska

Alaska is cold but the locals love their version of the ice cream. Made of fat from animals like seals, moose, and yes even fish, Akutaq is one unique dessert to try. Topped with seasonal berries, it’s a must try.

Akutaq, Alaska

Pagoto, Greece

Pagoto is a mix of Italian gelato and Turkish dondurma.

Pagoto, Greece

Sorbetes, Philippines

Not sorbet, Philippines love their icecream with cheese. The cheese-flavored ice cream is made with coconut milk and locals eat it with bread bun.

Sorbetes, Philippines

Ais Kacang, Malaysia

Shaved ice topped with cooked red beans and evaporated milk is Malaysia’s version of ice cream.

Ais Kacang, Malaysia

What’s your favorite flavor? Chocolate or vanilla or you love it topped with fruits and nuts.

Monalisha Mallick

Creative soul. Writer. Traveler. Monalisha is infinitely curious about the world. When not answering questions about her career choice (graduation in Engineering and profession in writing), she enjoys going out to experience new places, savor fresh cuisines, meet people (many time weird) and soak in the culture from different eras and places.

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Anything But Chocolate – 12 Different Types of Ice Creams in the World